
stream = BufferedOutputStream(open(filename, "w")) # wrap an IOStream

BufferedOutputStream is the converse to BufferedInputStream, wrapping a sink type. It also works on any writable IO type, as well the more specific sink interface:

writebytes(sink::T, buffer::Vector{UInt8}, n::Int, eof::Bool)

This function should consume the first n bytes of buffer. The eof argument is used to indicate that there will be no more input to consume. It should return the number of bytes written, which must be n or 0. A return value of 0 indicates data was processed but should not be evicted from the buffer.

BufferedOutputStream as an alternative to IOBuffer

BufferedOutputStream can be used as a simpler and often faster alternative to IOBuffer for incrementally building strings.

out = BufferedOutputStream()
print(out, "Hello")
print(out, " World")
str = String(take!(out))