
EzXML.jl is a package for handling XML and HTML documents. The APIs are simple and consistent, and provide a range of functionalities including:

  • Reading and writing XML/HTML documents.
  • Traversing XML/HTML trees with DOM interfaces.
  • Searching elements using XPath.
  • Proper namespace handling.
  • Capturing error messages.
  • Automatic memory management.
  • Document validation.
  • Streaming parsing for large XML files.

Here is an example of parsing and traversing an XML document:

# Load the package.
using EzXML

# Parse an XML string
# (use `readxml(<filename>)` to read a document from a file).
doc = parsexml("""
    <genus name="Homo">
        <species name="sapiens">Human</species>
    <genus name="Pan">
        <species name="paniscus">Bonobo</species>
        <species name="troglodytes">Chimpanzee</species>

# Get the root element from `doc`.
primates = root(doc)

# Iterate over child elements.
for genus in eachelement(primates)
    # Get an attribute value by name.
    genus_name = genus["name"]
    println("- ", genus_name)
    for species in eachelement(genus)
        # Get the content within an element.
        species_name = nodecontent(species)
        println("  └ ", species["name"], " (", species_name, ")")

# Find texts using XPath query.
for species_name in nodecontent.(findall("//species/text()", primates))
    println("- ", species_name)

If you are new to this package, read the manual page first. It provides a general guide to the package. The reference page offers a full documentation for each function, and the developer notes page explains about the internal design for developers.