
HDF5 supports filters for compression and validation: these are applied sequentially to each chunk of a dataset when writing data, and in reverse order when reading data.

These can be set by passing a filter or vector of filters as a filters property to DatasetCreateProperties or via the filters keyword argument of create_dataset.




This module contains the interface for using filters in HDF5.jl.

Example Usage

using HDF5
using HDF5.Filters

# Create a new file
fn = tempname()

# Create test data
data = rand(1000, 1000)

# Open temp file for writing
f = h5open(fn, "w") 

# Create datasets
dsdeflate = create_dataset(f, "deflate", datatype(data), dataspace(data),
                           chunk=(100, 100), deflate=3)

dsshufdef = create_dataset(f, "shufdef", datatype(data), dataspace(data),
                           chunk=(100, 100), shuffle=true, deflate=3)

dsfiltdef = create_dataset(f, "filtdef", datatype(data), dataspace(data),
                           chunk=(100, 100), filters=Filters.Deflate(3))

dsfiltshufdef = create_dataset(f, "filtshufdef", datatype(data), dataspace(data),
                               chunk=(100, 100), filters=[Filters.Shuffle(), Filters.Deflate(3)])

# Write data
write(dsdeflate, data)
write(dsshufdef, data)
write(dsfiltdef, data)
write(dsfiltshufdef, data)


Additonal Examples

See test/filter.jl for further examples.


Built-in Filters


The shuffle filter de-interlaces a block of data by reordering the bytes. All the bytes from one consistent byte position of each data element are placed together in one block; all bytes from a second consistent byte position of each data element are placed together a second block; etc. For example, given three data elements of a 4-byte datatype stored as 012301230123, shuffling will re-order data as 000111222333. This can be a valuable step in an effective compression algorithm because the bytes in each byte position are often closely related to each other and putting them together can increase the compression ratio.

As implied above, the primary value of the shuffle filter lies in its coordinated use with a compression filter; it does not provide data compression when used alone. When the shuffle filter is applied to a dataset immediately prior to the use of a compression filter, the compression ratio achieved is often superior to that achieved by the use of a compression filter without the shuffle filter.

External links

Szip(coding=:nn, pixels_per_block=8)

Szip compression lossless filter. Options:

  • coding: the coding method: either :ec (entropy coding) or :nn (nearest neighbors, default)
  • pixels_per_block: The number of pixels or data elements in each data block (typically 8, 10, 16, or 32)

External links

ExternalFilter(filter_id::API.H5Z_filter_t, flags::Cuint, data::Vector{Cuint}, name::String, config::Cuint)
ExternalFilter(filter_id, flags, data::Integer...)
ExternalFilter(filter_id, data::AbstractVector{<:Integer} = Cuint[])

Intended to support arbitrary, unregistered, external filters. Allows the quick creation of filters using internal/proprietary filters without subtyping HDF5.Filters.Filter. Users are instead encouraged to define subtypes on HDF5.Filters.Filter.

Fields / Arguments

  • filter_id - (required) Integer filter identifer.
  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • name - (optional) String describing the name of the filter. Defaults to "Unknown Filter with id [filter_id]"
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See also:

flags bits


config bits


External Filter Packages

Several external Julia packages implement HDF5 filter plugins in Julia. As they are independent of HDF5.jl, they must be installed in order to use their plugins.

The H5Zbitshuffle.jl, H5Zblosc.jl, H5Zbzip2.jl, H5Zlz4.jl, and H5Zzstd.jl packages are maintained as independent subdirectory packages within the HDF5.jl repository.

Extension packages

For Julia 1.9 and greater, the external filter packages listed above at version 0.2 and greater are loose wrappers around extension packages. The filter extension packages currently implemented are as follows:

  • bitshufflejllext
  • H5Zblosc_ext
  • H5Zbzip2_ext
  • H5Zlz4_ext
  • H5Zzstd_ext
using HDF5, CodecZstd
const CodecZstdExt = Base.get_extension(HDF5, :CodecZstdExt)
using .CodecZstdExt
filter = ZstdFilter(5)






Transitional package to HDF5/CodecZstdExt.

The contents of this package are now contained within the package extension CodecZstdExt. Loading this package will load the package extension.




The Bitshuffle filter can optionally include compression :lz4 or :zstd. For :zstd comp_level can be provided. This is ignored for :lz4 compression. If blocksize is zero the default bitshuffle blocksize is used.


The bitshuffle filter for HDF5. See and for details.


The bitshuffle filter for HDF5. See and for details.


Other External Filters

Additional filters can be dynamically loaded by the HDF5 library. See External Links below for more information.

Using an ExternalFilter

ExternalFilter can be used to insert a dynamically loaded filter into the FilterPipeline in an ad-hoc fashion.

Example for bitshuffle

If we do not have a defined subtype of Filter for the bitshuffle filter we can create an ExternalFilter. From the header file or list of registered plugins, we see that the bitshuffle filter has an id of 32008.

Furthermore, the header describes two options:

  1. block_size (optional). Default is 0.
  2. compression - This can be 0 or BSHUF_H5_COMPRESS_LZ4 (2 as defined in the C header)
using HDF5.Filters

bitshuf = ExternalFilter(32008, Cuint[0, 0])
bitshuf_comp = ExternalFilter(32008, Cuint[0, 2])

data_A = rand(0:31, 1024)
data_B = rand(32:63, 1024)

filename, _ = mktemp()
h5open(filename, "w") do h5f
    # Indexing style
    h5f["ex_data_A", chunk=(32,), filters=bitshuf] = data_A
    # Procedural style
    d, dt = create_dataset(h5f, "ex_data_B", data_B, chunk=(32,), filters=[bitshuf_comp])
    write(d, data_B)

Registered Filter Helpers

The HDF Group maintains a list of registered filters which have been assigned a filter ID number. The module Filters.Registered contains information about registered filters including functions to create an ExternalFilter for each registered filter.

Creating a new Filter type

Examining the bitshuffle filter source code we see that three additional data components get prepended to the options. These are

  1. The major version
  2. The minor version
  3. The element size in bytes of the type via H5Tget_size.
import HDF5.Filters: FILTERS, Filter, FilterPipeline, filterid
using HDF5.API

const H5Z_BSHUF_ID = API.H5Z_filter_t(32008)
struct BitShuffleFilter <: HDF5.Filters.Filter
    BitShuffleFilter(block_size, compression) = new(0, 0, 0, block_size, compression)
# filterid is the only required method of the filter interface
# since we are using an externally registered filter
filterid(::Type{BitShuffleFilter}) = H5Z_BSHUF_ID
FILTERS[H5Z_BSHUF_ID] = BitShuffleFilter

function Base.push!(p::FilterPipeline, f::BitShuffleFilter)
    ref = Ref(f)
    GC.@preserve ref begin
        API.h5p_set_filter(p.plist, H5Z_BSHUF_ID, API.H5Z_FLAG_OPTIONAL, 2, pointer_from_objref(ref) + sizeof(Cuint)*3)
    return p

Because the first three elements are not provided directly via h5p_set_filter, we also needed to implement a custom Base.push! into the FilterPipeline.

Filter Interface

The filter interface is used to describe filters and obtain information on them.


Abstract type to describe HDF5 Filters. See the Extended Help for information on implementing a new filter.

Extended Help

Filter interface

The Filter interface is implemented upon the Filter subtype.

See API.h5z_register for details.

Required Methods to Implement

  • filterid - registered filter ID
  • filter_func - implement the actual filter

Optional Methods to Implement

  • filtername - defaults to "Unnamed Filter"
  • encoder_present - defaults to true
  • decoder_present - defaults to true
  • can_apply_func - defaults to nothing
  • set_local_func - defaults to nothing

Advanced Methods to Implement

  • can_apply_cfunc - Defaults to wrapping @cfunction around the result of can_apply_func
  • set_local_cfunc - Defaults to wrapping @cfunction around the result of set_local_func
  • filter_cfunc - Defaults to wrapping @cfunction around the result of filter_func
  • register_filter - Defaults to using the above functions to register the filter

Implement the Advanced Methods to avoid @cfunction from generating a runtime closure which may not work on all systems.


The filter pipeline associated with plist. Acts like a AbstractVector{Filter}, supporting the following operations:

  • length(pipeline): the number of filters.
  • pipeline[i] to return the ith filter.
  • pipeline[FilterType] to return a filter of type FilterType
  • push!(pipline, filter) to add an extra filter to the pipeline.
  • append!(pipeline, filters) to add multiple filters to the pipeline.
  • delete!(pipeline, FilterType) to remove a filter of type FilterType from the pipeline.
  • empty!(pipeline) to remove all filters from the pipeline.

Given a subtype of Filters.Filter or the filter ID number as an integer, return true if the filter is available and false otherwise.


Given a subtype of Filters.Filter or the filter ID number as an integer, return true if the filter can decode or decompress data.


Given a subtype of Filters.Filter or the filter ID number as an integer, return true if the filter can encode or compress data.

can_apply_func(::Type{F}) where {F<:Filter}

Return a function indicating whether the filter can be applied or nothing if no function exists. The function signature is func(dcpl_id::API.hid_t, type_id::API.hid_t, space_id::API.hid_t). See API.h5z_register

can_apply_cfunc(::Type{F}) where {F<:Filter}

Return a C function pointer for the can apply function. By default, this will return the result of using @cfunction on the function specified by can_apply_func(F) or C_NULL if nothing.

Overriding this will allow @cfunction to return a Ptr{Nothing} rather than a CFunction` closure which may not work on all systems.

set_local_func(::Type{F}) where {F<:Filter}

Return a function that sets dataset specific parameters or nothing if no function exists. The function signature is func(dcpl_id::API.hid_t, type_id::API.hid_t, space_id::API.hid_t). See API.h5z_register.

set_local_cfunc(::Type{F}) where {F<:Filter}

Return a C function pointer for the set local function. By default, this will return the result of using @cfunction on the function specified by set_local_func(F) or C_NULL if nothing.

Overriding this will allow @cfunction to return a Ptr{Nothing} rather than a CFunction` closure which may not work on all systems.

filter_cfunc(::Type{F}) where {F<:Filter}

Return a C function pointer for the filter function. By default, this will return the result of using @cfunction on the function specified by filter_func(F) or will throw an error if nothing.

Overriding this will allow @cfunction to return a Ptr{Nothing} rather than a CFunction` closure which may not work on all systems.


Registered Filters


Module containing convenience methods to create ExternalFilter instances of HDF5 registered filters.

This module does not implement any filter or guarantee filter availability. Rather the functions within this module create ExternalFilter instances for convenience. These instances can be used to determine if a filter is available. They can also be incorporated as part of a filter pipeline.

Examine REGISTERED_FILTERS, a Dict{H5Z_filter_t, Function}, for a list of filter functions contained within this module, which are exported.

julia> println.(values(HDF5.Filters.Registered.REGISTERED_FILTERS));
APAXFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
APAXFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for APAX with filter id 32005. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

BLOSC2Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
BLOSC2Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for BLOSC2 with filter id 32026. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

BLOSCFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
BLOSCFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for BLOSC with filter id 32001. Users are instead encouraged to use the Julia package H5Zblosc.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

BZIP2Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
BZIP2Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for BZIP2 with filter id 307. Users are instead encouraged to use the Julia package H5Zbzip2.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

BitGroomFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
BitGroomFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for BitGroom with filter id 32022. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

B³DFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
B³DFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for B³D with filter id 32016. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

CBFFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
CBFFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for CBF with filter id 32006. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

CCSDS_123Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
CCSDS_123Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for CCSDS_123 with filter id 32011. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

Delta_RiceFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
Delta_RiceFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for Delta_Rice with filter id 32025. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

FAPECFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
FAPECFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for FAPEC with filter id 32021. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

FCIDECOMPFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
FCIDECOMPFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for FCIDECOMP with filter id 32018. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

FLACFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
FLACFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for FLAC with filter id 32027. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

Granular_BitRoundFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
Granular_BitRoundFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for Granular_BitRound with filter id 32023. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

JPEGFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
JPEGFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for JPEG with filter id 32019. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

JPEG_LSFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
JPEG_LSFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for JPEG_LS with filter id 32012. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

JPEG_XRFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
JPEG_XRFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for JPEG_XR with filter id 32007. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

LPC_RiceFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
LPC_RiceFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for LPC_Rice with filter id 32010. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

LZ4Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
LZ4Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for LZ4 with filter id 32004. Users are instead encouraged to use the Julia package H5Zlz4.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

LZFFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
LZFFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for LZF with filter id 32000. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

LZOFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
LZOFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for LZO with filter id 305. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

MAFISCFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
MAFISCFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for MAFISC with filter id 32002. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

SPDPFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
SPDPFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for SPDP with filter id 32009. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

SZ3Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
SZ3Filter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for SZ3 with filter id 32024. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

SZFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
SZFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for SZ with filter id 32017. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

SnappyFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
SnappyFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for Snappy with filter id 32003. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

VBZFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
VBZFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for VBZ with filter id 32020. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

ZstandardFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
ZstandardFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for Zstandard with filter id 32015. Users are instead encouraged to use the Julia package H5Zzstd.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

bitshuffleFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
bitshuffleFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for bitshuffle with filter id 32008. Users are instead encouraged to use the Julia package H5Zbitshuffle.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

fpzipFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
fpzipFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for fpzip with filter id 32014. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.

zfpFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::AbstractVector{<: Integer}=Cuint[], config::Cuint=0)
zfpFilter(flags=API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, data::Integer...)

Create an ExternalFilter for zfp with filter id 32013. Users should consider defining a subtype of Filter to specify the data.

Fields / Arguments

  • flags - (optional) bit vector describing general properties of the filter. Defaults to API.H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY
  • data - (optional) auxillary data for the filter. See cd_values. Defaults to Cuint[]
  • config - (optional) bit vector representing information about the filter regarding whether it is able to encode data, decode data, neither, or both. Defaults to 0.

See ExternalFilter for valid argument values.
