HDF5 Compatibility

JLD2 is built upon the HDF5 Format Specification and produces files that are compatible with the official HDF5 C library.

This has the advantage that other libraries that use HDF5 such as the Julia wrapper HDF5.jl or even with h5py using Python. In addition to that, adhering to the HDF5 standards allows you to use the file introspection tools such as h5dump and h5debug provided by the HDF5 group.


General compatibility only holds for a list of basic types:

  • Numbers FloatXX, IntXX and UIntXX

  • Strings

  • Arrays of those types

Other structures can in principle also be decoded but may involve work. See below for more information

Understanding how Julia structs are encoded

The HDF5 standard supports so-called compound datatypes that comprise of a set of already known datatypes. This is very similar to julia's structs. When a user wants to write a non-default type to disk then JLD2 will create the corresponding compound datatypes and commit them to the file. All custom type definitions in a JLD2 file will be stored in a _types/ group. This way, the type definitions only needs to be written to the file once and all instances of that struct reference it.


using JLD2

struct MyCustomStruct

@save "test.jld2" a=MyCustomStruct(42, π)

Let's see what JLD2 makes out of my simple MyCustomStruct. To do that we view the output of h5dump

$ h5dump test.jld2
HDF5 "test.jld2" {
GROUP "/" {
   GROUP "_types" {
      DATATYPE "00000001" H5T_COMPOUND {
         H5T_STRING {
            CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;
            CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
         } "name";
         H5T_VLEN { H5T_REFERENCE { H5T_STD_REF_OBJECT }} "parameters";
         ATTRIBUTE "julia_type" {
            DATATYPE  "/_types/00000001"
            DATA {
            (0): {
      DATATYPE "00000002" H5T_COMPOUND {
         H5T_STD_I64LE "x";
         H5T_IEEE_F64LE "y";
         ATTRIBUTE "julia_type" {
            DATATYPE  "/_types/00000001"
            DATA {
            (0): {
   DATASET "a" {
      DATATYPE  "/_types/00000002"
      DATA {
      (0): {

We can see that the file contains two things at top-level. There is a dataset "a" (that is what we wanted to store) and there is a group _types which is where all the necessary type information is stored.

You can see that JLD2 committed two compound datatypes. The first one is Core.Datatype which at first seems rather unintuitive. It is needed to tell HDF5 what a serialized julia datatype looks like (a name and a list of parameters).

Below that is the definition of MyCustomStruct with two fields H5T_STD_I64LE "x" and H5T_IEEE_F64LE "y" defining the integer field x and the float field y.

A note on pointers

In the julia programming language pointers Ptr are not needed very often. However, when binary dependencies come into play and memory is passed back and forth, pointers do become relevant. Pointers are addresses to locations in memory and thus lose their meaning after a program has terminated.

In principle, there is little point in storing a pointer to a file but in order to allow for a more seamless experience JLD2 will, similar to Base.Serialization silently accept pointers. This is useful when storing large structures such as a DifferentialEquations.jl solution object that might contain a pointer somewhere. Upon deserialization any pointer fields are instantiated as null pointers.

This is done with just three lines of code utilizing the custom serialization logic and it is shown here as it serves as a good example for usage of that feature.

writeas(::Type{<:Ptr}) = Nothing
rconvert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, ::Nothing) where {T} = Ptr{T}()

Usually one would also have to define a method for wconvert. However, in this case JLD2 figures out that no explicit conversion is needed to construct nothing.