Function references

jpeg_encode(filename::AbstractString, img; kwargs...) -> Int
jpeg_encode(io::IO, img; kwargs...) -> Int
jpeg_encode(img; kwargs...) -> Vector{UInt8}

Encode 2D image img as JPEG byte sequences and write to given I/O stream or file. The return value is number of bytes. If output is not specified, the encoded result is stored in memory as return value.


  • transpose::Bool: whether we need to permute the image's width and height dimension before encoding. The default value is false.
  • quality::Int: Constructs JPEG quantization tables appropriate for the indicated quality setting. The quality value is expressed on the 0..100 scale recommended by IJG. The default value is 92. Pass quality=nothing to let libjpeg-turbo dynamicly guess a value.
Custom compression parameters

JPEG has a large number of compression parameters that determine how the image is encoded. Most applications don't need or want to know about all these parameters. For more detailed information and explaination, please refer to the "Compression parameter selection" in [1]. Unsupported custom parameters might cause Julia segmentation fault.


julia> using JpegTurbo, TestImages

julia> img = testimage("cameraman");

julia> jpeg_encode("out.jpg", img) # write to file

julia> buf = jpeg_encode(img); length(buf) # directly write to memory


jpeg_decode([T,] filename::AbstractString; kwargs...) -> Matrix{T}
jpeg_decode([T,] io::IO; kwargs...) -> Matrix{T}
jpeg_decode([T,] data::Vector{UInt8}; kwargs...) -> Matrix{T}

Decode the JPEG image as colorant matrix. The source data can be either a filename, an IO , or an in-memory byte sequence.


  • transpose::Bool: whether we need to permute the image's width and height dimension before encoding. The default value is false.
  • scale_ratio::Real: scale the image by ratio scale_ratio in M/8 with M ∈ 1:16. The default value is 1. For values are not in the range, they will be mapped to the nearest value, e.g., 0.3 => 2/8 and 0.35 => 3/8. scale_ratio and preferred_size may not be used together.
  • preferred_size::Tuple: infer the minimal scale_ratio that all(size(out) .>= preferred_size)) holds. It can optionally be (op, preferred_size) format, with compare operation op be one of >, >=, < or <=. If op in (>=, >) then it gets the minimal scale_ratio, otherwise it gets the maximum scale_ratio for op in (<=, <). scale_ratio and preferred_size may not be used together. The preferred_size dimensions are not affected by keyword transpose.


julia> using JpegTurbo, TestImages, ImageCore

julia> filename = testimage("earth", download_only=true);

julia> img = jpeg_decode(filename); summary(img)
"3002×3000 Array{RGB{N0f8},2} with eltype RGB{N0f8}"

julia> img = jpeg_decode(Gray, filename; scale_ratio=0.25); summary(img)
"751×750 Array{Gray{N0f8},2} with eltype Gray{N0f8}"

For image preview and similar purposes, T and scale_ratio are useful parameters to accelerate the JPEG decoding process. For color JPEG image, jpeg_decode(Gray, filename) is faster than jpeg_decode(filename) since the color components need not be processed. Smaller scale_ratio permits significantly faster decoding since fewer pixels need be processed and a simpler IDCT method can be used.

using BenchmarkTools, TestImages, JpegTurbo
filename = testimage("earth", download_only=true)
# full decompression
@btime jpeg_decode(filename); # 224.760 ms (7 allocations: 51.54 MiB)
# only decompress luminance component
@btime jpeg_decode(Gray, filename); # 91.157 ms (6 allocations: 17.18 MiB)
# process only a few pixels
@btime jpeg_decode(filename; scale_ratio=0.25); # 77.254 ms (8 allocations: 3.23 MiB)
# process only a few pixels for luminance component
@btime jpeg_decode(Gray, filename; scale_ratio=0.25); # 63.119 ms (6 allocations: 1.08 MiB)
