Low-level C API wrappers


The LibSerialPort.Lib module provides a low-level Julia wrapper around each of the C function, types and constants exported by the C library libserialport. The wrapper functions very closely follow the C API, but they check for error codes returned and raise these as a Julia ErrorException.

function sp_blocking_write(port::Port, buffer::Union{Ref{T},Ptr{T}},
                           n::Integer = 1; timeout_ms::Integer = 0) where T`

Write the sizeof(T)*n bytes starting from address buffer to the specified serial port, blocking until complete.

Note that this function only ensures that the accepted bytes have been written to the OS; they may be held in driver or hardware buffers and not yet physically transmitted. To check whether all written bytes have actually been transmitted, use the sp_output_waiting() function. To wait until all written bytes have actually been transmitted, use the sp_drain() function.

Wait up to timeout_ms milliseconds, where zero means to wait indefinitely.

Returns the number of bytes written on success, or raises an ErrorException. If the number of bytes returned is less than that requested, the timeout was reached before the requested number of bytes was written. If timeout_ms is zero, the function will always return either the requested number of bytes or raise an ErrorException. In the event of an error there is no way to determine how many bytes were sent before the error occured.

sp_flush(port::Port, buffers::SPBuffer)
sp_flush(port::SerialPort, buffers::SPBuffer)

Discard data in the selected serial-port buffer(s).

Supported values for buffers: SP_BUF_INPUT, SP_BUF_OUTPUT, SP_BUF_BOTH

Returns SP_OK upon success or raises an ErrorException otherwise.


Not to be confused with Base.flush, which writes out buffered data rather than discarding it: the underlying libserialport C library unfortunately uses the verb “flush” differently from its normal meaning for Base.IO (sp_drain provides the latter in this library).

sp_nonblocking_write(port::Port, buffer::Union{Ptr{T},Ref{T}},
                     n::Integer = 1) where T`

Write the up to sizeof(T)*n bytes starting from address buffer to the specified serial port, without blocking.

Note that this function only ensures that the accepted bytes have been written to the OS; they may be held in driver or hardware buffers and not yet physically transmitted. To check whether all written bytes have actually been transmitted, use the sp_output_waiting() function. To wait until all written bytes have actually been transmitted, use the sp_drain() function.

Returns the number of bytes written on success, or raises an ErrorException. The number of bytes returned may be any number from zero to the maximum that was requested.
