Dealing with FillValues
In Zarr metadata, a fillvalue is specified for every array. This means that, when creating an empty array, uninitialized chunks will be assumed to be filled with this value. For example:
julia> using Zarr
julia> p = tempname();
julia> z = zcreate(Int64, 100, 100, path = p, chunks = (10,10), fill_value=-1)
ZArray{Int64} of size 100 x 100
julia> z[1:2,1]
2-element Vector{Int64}:
Note that except some array metadata, no chunks will be written to disk in this case. Non-existing chunks are simply interpreted as fillvalues. You can check this with:
julia> readdir(p)
2-element Vector{String}:
and only after writing some non-fillvalue data there will be chunks on disk:
julia> z[1:20,1:10] .= 5;
julia> readdir(p)
4-element Vector{String}:
Also be aware that during setindex!
, when chunks only contain FillValues, the chunk will not be written to disk or deleted if it existed before. So if we write -1
s again into our array, the corresponding chunks will be deleted.
julia> z[1:10,1:10] .= -1;
julia> readdir(p)
3-element Vector{String}:
Dealing with Julia's Missing type in Zarr.jl
Like most data storage formats, also Zarr supports storing most of the standard C-compatible data types like integers, unsigned integers and floating point types of different sizes. This Means that it is no problem to directly map a Vector{Int64}
to a Zarr array. However, the story gets complicated for arrays containing missings with a Union element type like Union{Int64,Missing}
, since they can not be passed to compression lbraries as simple C pointers and are not very inter-operable with other languages.
One solution to this problem is to use Zarrs fillvalue
s to represent missing values. Here we open the previously created array and use the fill_as_missing
option. In this case accessing an uninitialized array member will return missing:
julia> z = zopen(p, fill_as_missing=true)
ZArray{Union{Missing, Int64}} of size 100 x 100
julia> eltype(z)
Union{Missing, Int64}
julia> z[8:12,1]
5-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:
The fill_as_missing
option is also available on array construction with zcreate
, zopen
or zzeros
. Note also that one can also write missings into arrays opened with fill_as_missing=true
. This means that every missing
entry will be converted to a fillvalue in the zarr array and will appear as fill values in other software that opens the same array.